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Publié : 14 juin 2004, 13:08
par rogueleader247
Heu ça je crois qu'on l'avait déjà dit y'a un bout de temps...

Publié : 14 juin 2004, 15:18
par Elm
Ah ? Po vu , ca devait être pendant que j'avais plus de pc et sur un autre topic ^^.

Publié : 14 juin 2004, 18:16
par rogueleader247
je sais plus si c'était ici ou dans le topic e3 2004 mais c'était pendant la période de l'e3 2K4 :wink:

Publié : 14 juin 2004, 19:22
par Isaac
- Full Spectrum Warrior / Eté 2004
- Driv3r / Eté 20'04
- Rainbow Six Black Arrow / Août 2004
- Mortal Kombat: Deception / Octobre 2004
- FIFA Football 2005 / Octobre 2004
- Star Wars Battlefront / Septembre 2004
- Burnout 3 / Septembre 2004
- Outrun 2 / Octobre 2004
- Unreal Championship 2 / Noël 2004
- Halo 2 / 9 novembre 2004
- Need for Speed Underground 2 / Novembre 2004
- Forza Motorsport / Décembre 2004
- Call of Duty / 4ème trimestre 2004
- Doom III / Dès que possible...
- MechAssault 2 / Janvier 2005

Intéressant :)

Publié : 14 juin 2004, 19:57
par Elm
Intéressant quand on sait que c'est la liste des jeux Xbox-live à venir 8).

Publié : 14 juin 2004, 20:16
par Elm
Ca marche pas tes pouvoirs Jedi avec nous :p.

Quoique ce jeu ... :lol:

Publié : 14 juin 2004, 22:31
par Isaac
En parlant de SW, les deux licences de lucas sont repoussés :zz:

Publié : 14 juin 2004, 22:55
par Isaac
Pas toujours à la hauteur malgré l'indéniable potentiel de leur licence, les jeux estampillés Star Wars restent néanmoins surveillés de près par les amateurs de cet univers et dans le catalogue à venir, Star Wars : Republic Commando possède une place de choix. Ce titre original nous mettra dans la peau d'un membre d'un commando de la République appelé à intervenir dans des missions variées et forcément pleines de bestioles au design improbable. Mis en confiance par son moteur Unreal, le jeu offrira un système d'ordres très intuitif dans lequel le curseur, positionné au bon endroit, indiquera clairement les différentes actions réalisables par nos coéquipiers. Initialement prévu pour s'achever à l'automne, le développement de la bête a apparemment pris un peu de retard et LucasArts a donc très discrètement modifié sur la page officielle sa date d'arrivée en rayon, désormais fixée à l'hiver (soit au premier trimestre 2005). Les joueurs dépités pourront toujours se consoler avec une nouvelle image, diffusée dans la foulée.
Annoncé à l'aube de l'E3, Star Wars : Knights of the Old Republic II revient aujourd'hui avec une belle poignée de visuels illustrant divers décors et scènes de combat de ce prochain opus qui devrait visiblement offrir des prestations graphiques légèrement remises au goût du jour. Rappelons que KOTOR 2 reprendra les mécaniques huilées du premier épisode en y ajoutant un système de combat plus flexible, un nombre de quêtes plus conséquent, la possibilité de diviser ses équipes ou encore une compatibilité Xbox Live au contenu encore bien mystérieux. Initialement prévu aux alentours du mois de février 2005, le prochain Obsidian jouit désormais d'une date de sortie beaucoup plus floue et fixée pour cet hiver. Wait & See donc.

Publié : 14 juin 2004, 23:15
par Isaac
Ce n'est qu'un moment dur à passer :dry: :twisted: :x

Publié : 16 juin 2004, 13:55
par Elm
pour patienter ...

The End?

The past year has been an incredible one for Fable and now we're getting to the stage where it’s finally finished! More and more people on the team can finally say they're done with their work and can have some more time off, while others have to work twice as hard to make their deadlines. This of course is only a good thing; as only two and a half months are left for the team to get the game out. From that point the version will be pressed on a DVD and shipped to the different stores around the globe; Fable will be released in September in the US and somewhere in October in Europe. Why postpone the European release by a month you ask me? Basically because all European languages are being put on one disc (e.g. so Belgian gamers can play the game in English if they wanted to) and Microsoft needs a month to translate our 22,000 lines of text, a 160,000 words, in all European languages. I think this is understandable and not worth worrying about.

The game itself is looking so polished now; I was especially surprised by the whole ending of the game. Without revealing anything about the story - that's one of the best kept secrets regarding Fable - I can tell you something happens to your family and as you play your way through the whole story most of it becomes clear. In some way or another that is, because there are many different twists and ways to deal with certain events. The final chapter for example can result in four different endings for the game, all depending on the different choices you've made during the time you played Fable. It's also complex and interesting to discover; the whole story leaves a lot of possibilities for the future. As you come across many different characters and places, you learn more about Albion and its people. This will answer many early questions but - and this is typical - raise new ones! The story is fucking amazing as it hooks you in right form the very start. After you finish the game, it becomes even more interesting; as you can go back to all places in the world of Albion and do all the stuff you missed or had forgotten about, you can continue to go on a quest or experience life in the villages and towns. Or explore the world! It's cool and guarantees an almost infinite replay-value. You will also be pleasantly (or not so) surprised by the effect that completing the game has - as some things will have changed for good in Albion…

The final balancing of the game is also being done and tested, and sometimes this brings forth a funny story. Ben Huskins and Josh Atkins are mainly the ones responsible for this aspect. It's now for example possible - after you decapitated an enemy - to play soccer with the head you just sliced off. If you manage to hit someone with it (the head that is), it will do a little bit of damage! Crossbows haven't been dropped; gay marriage hasn't been dropped, etc... but in these final stages the team has to make difficult decisions about certain features and if certain bits are left in as they are or completely cancelled. Sometimes it's impossible to finish a certain feature before the deadline, but I am sure the team tries to reduce this to an absolute minimum. Currently only a few things had to be changed or cancelled, but as a community pet (and your voice to the team) I plead to keep everything in, even if it doesn't work! Sometimes people don't like it for example when I try to raise the point regarding Horns and Halos again, I get angry looks from around the office, or the occasional punch. Funny!

Sam, Community Pet Lionhead Studios


Sinon pour Dark cloud : du Kotor 2

Publié : 16 juin 2004, 20:58
par Isaac
Y'en a qui live ce soir sur PGR2 ?

Publié : 17 juin 2004, 00:16
par Isaac
Moi et yoyo sommes sur mm3 :)

Publié : 17 juin 2004, 07:52
par rogueleader247
Elm a écrit :The End?

The past year has been an incredible one for Fable and now we're getting to the stage where it’s finally finished! More and more people on the team can finally say they're done with their work and can have some more time off, while others have to work twice as hard to make their deadlines. This of course is only a good thing; as only two and a half months are left for the team to get the game out. From that point the version will be pressed on a DVD and shipped to the different stores around the globe; Fable will be released in September in the US and somewhere in October in Europe. Why postpone the European release by a month you ask me? Basically because all European languages are being put on one disc (e.g. so Belgian gamers can play the game in English if they wanted to) and Microsoft needs a month to translate our 22,000 lines of text, a 160,000 words, in all European languages. I think this is understandable and not worth worrying about.

The game itself is looking so polished now; I was especially surprised by the whole ending of the game. Without revealing anything about the story - that's one of the best kept secrets regarding Fable - I can tell you something happens to your family and as you play your way through the whole story most of it becomes clear. In some way or another that is, because there are many different twists and ways to deal with certain events. The final chapter for example can result in four different endings for the game, all depending on the different choices you've made during the time you played Fable. It's also complex and interesting to discover; the whole story leaves a lot of possibilities for the future. As you come across many different characters and places, you learn more about Albion and its people. This will answer many early questions but - and this is typical - raise new ones! The story is fucking amazing as it hooks you in right form the very start. After you finish the game, it becomes even more interesting; as you can go back to all places in the world of Albion and do all the stuff you missed or had forgotten about, you can continue to go on a quest or experience life in the villages and towns. Or explore the world! It's cool and guarantees an almost infinite replay-value. You will also be pleasantly (or not so) surprised by the effect that completing the game has - as some things will have changed for good in Albion…

The final balancing of the game is also being done and tested, and sometimes this brings forth a funny story. Ben Huskins and Josh Atkins are mainly the ones responsible for this aspect. It's now for example possible - after you decapitated an enemy - to play soccer with the head you just sliced off. If you manage to hit someone with it (the head that is), it will do a little bit of damage! Crossbows haven't been dropped; gay marriage hasn't been dropped, etc... but in these final stages the team has to make difficult decisions about certain features and if certain bits are left in as they are or completely cancelled. Sometimes it's impossible to finish a certain feature before the deadline, but I am sure the team tries to reduce this to an absolute minimum. Currently only a few things had to be changed or cancelled, but as a community pet (and your voice to the team) I plead to keep everything in, even if it doesn't work! Sometimes people don't like it for example when I try to raise the point regarding Horns and Halos again, I get angry looks from around the office, or the occasional punch. Funny!

Sam, Community Pet Lionhead Studios
MIAM ! Plus qu'à attendre Octobre :cry:

Publié : 17 juin 2004, 12:42
par Elm
Allez, on les avait en scan, on les as en scren tout propre mainteant :


mdr le masterchief qui vient de s'éjecter là ^^.


Pauvre petit spartan rose ...


Publié : 17 juin 2004, 18:09
par Isaac
J'éspère qu'il y aura d'autres skins de personnages tout de même.

Publié : 17 juin 2004, 22:57
par Elm
Il paraitrait qu'ils vont inclure des chocobos aussi, mais c'est pas sûr ... :lol:

Publié : 18 juin 2004, 12:17
par Elm
Les 9 et 10 Septembre prochains se tiendra l'Austin Game Conference, à cette occasion, Sony et Microsoft enterreront l'espace d'un instant la hâche de guerre et parleront conjointement des univers massivement multijoueurs sur consoles.

L'éditon 2004 de l'Austin Game Conference sera principalement articulée autour des technologies et des enjeux stratégiques concernant les plateformes de nouvelle génération.
A ce titre, l'événement texan accueillera de nombreux acteurs de l'industrie vidéoludique, parmi eux : Ubisoft, Electronic Arts ainsi que Sony et Microsoft.
Ces derniers ouvriront les débats au cours d'une conférence commune intitulée 'Massively Multiplayer Console Is Coming'. Tout un programme...
Malgré des stratégies diamétralement opposées, les deux constructeurs ( contrairement à Nintendo )semblent se rejoindre sur un point : le online sur consoles a de l'avenir et ils devraient l'affirmer de concert.

Mdr, ils ont aucune chance sony, "Donald Trump, the RPG"va tou
ut déchirer sur bobox ^^.

Publié : 18 juin 2004, 12:23
par Elm
Un ptit traler du dernier worms en passant ?

Un ptit ver pour la route ?