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Publié : 22 janv. 2004, 02:40
par Kokitta
Et bien concernant les notes, je pense qu'elles sont tout simplement utilisées car malheureusement (pour moi et Heureusement pour d'autres) elles parlent beaucoup. Etant tous passés pour la majorité par la case départ de l'école, les notes ne nous ont jamais laissées en paix.

Elles permettent de situer notre niveau par rapport à ceux des autres, elles traduisent la médiocrité, l'assimilation, les lacunes et plein d 'autres critères observables grâce (ou à cause) à celles-ci.

Pour moi, un jeu ne devrait pas être noté mais ce système a été adopté partout, dans tous les domaines. Lorsque ce ne sont pas des notes se sont des étoiles, des adjectifs croissants etc...

On peut parfaitement parvenir à transmettre un avis positif ou négatif d'un jeu sans faire intervenir obligatoirement une note. Les chiffres que la note représente ne reflètent pas d'informations sur le jeu. ça reste une donnée quantitative.

La notation est un système trop simpliste ancré en nous depuis longtemps. Et le supprimer définitivement pourrait égarer la plus part qui ne se contenteront pas seulement d'informations qualitatives.

Car pour moi, l'art n'est pas chiffrable mais discutable à l'aide d'arguments fondés et pertinents, sans omettre bien sûr, le facteur goût qui intervient forcément dans l'appréciation ou la déception engendrée par l'art en question.

Voili voilou... mon Dieu il est tard...

Publié : 22 janv. 2004, 02:47
par Kokitta
Et pour répondre à Lolo : (ça faisait longtemps)

Halo fait parti de ces jeux innovants dans le genre (Conduite de véhicules, intéraction PJ et PNJ, immersion...) comme il en nait un tous les 10 ans. On va pas se retenir de mettre une note quasi parfaite si le jeu la mérite.

Encore si j'étais la seule à penser ainsi mais je t'assure qu'on est des tas dans ce cas là. :)

Publié : 22 janv. 2004, 20:07
par Yan
encore une intervention d'Adeline comme j'aime : réfléchie, concise, humble :love: :P

Publié : 07 févr. 2004, 02:16
par Elm
C'est quand le test d'Halo2 ... je commence à m'impatienter là ...

Publié : 07 févr. 2004, 11:09
par Kokitta
Oui c'est vrai ça...

Je veux vivre les nouvelles aventures de Master Chief, il me manque... :cry:

Dis moi Marmotte, tu veux pas poster sa belle armure ?

Histoire qu'on patiente sagemment ? (tout en bavant :mrgreen:)


Publié : 07 févr. 2004, 14:56
par Perfectman3
Ouais bonne idée! Vas y poste là comme ça on se morfondra dans l'attente! :mrgreen:

Publié : 09 févr. 2004, 01:51
par Elm

mon dieu où est passé ce lien :o.

Publié : 09 févr. 2004, 02:02
par Elm
aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh :



l'armure faite par des fous malades pas bien ^^.

People dressing up in costumes based on video game characters is certainly nothing new but the announcement by the Nightmare armor costume company of a super-detailed reproduction of the Master Chief armor from Halo that they are selling got a ton of attention. HomeLAN got a chance to chat with company co-founder Sid Garrand to find out more about their Halo armor.

HomeLAN - How did Nightmare Armor come to be formed?

Sid Garrand - About two years ago I started working on the Deepeyes project. I loved the Final Fantasy movie, and I just became inspired to try something new. I knew that I had been able to draw and paint, and I wanted to try sculpting. Apparently I had talent in that area as well, and as you can see I’ve decided to pursue this course. I always put my heart into what I create and I believe that can be seen in the final project. The Halo project, as it’s called by us here at the Studio, started back in October of 2003. I brought together a team of guys that I knew were very passionate about Halo. I had friends that were into sculpting and casting, but I wanted some people that would bring a passion into this project. As you can see in the Halo Armor, it has been very successful and we’ve recreated the armor almost exactly.

HomeLAN - How did the idea come about to create a realistic looking Halo Master Chief armor?

Sid Garrand - Is that even a question that needs to be asked? Anybody that has ever played Halo has thought about being in the Master Chief’s place in the game. Fighting for your life and defending earth. This game is simply amazing, and such imagination and creativity went into making it. We wanted to show our appreciation for such a great game. We wanted to be apart of it.

HomeLAN - How did you make sure that the look of the armor would match what people are used to seeing in the game?

Sid Garrand - Well I drew and sketched til my fingers almost fell off. We used everything that was available to us at the time. Pictures off of Bungie’s site mainly because we knew we wanted to do the armor off of Halo 2. I tried to stick as close to the models and pictures as I could. Understandably there were a few small adjustments due to the fact that we are going to wear it. After that it just took a lot of work and determination.

HomeLAN - What materials are used in making the armor?

Sid Garrand - We use different materials based on what we’re actually making. A material we use to make the sculptures themselves. Lots of primer and sanding to make the sculptures ready for molding. Mold material that will form around each sculpture, and then finally a two part casting plastic, which then hardens into a tough plastic. Imagine the paneling on a car door. I’d say it’s about that strong. Very very durable.

HomeLAN - How are the armor pieces shaped and molded?

Sid Garrand - We start off with our sculptures which are sanded and then primed. We have to do this to make each piece smooth and read for the application of the mold material. After we pull off the mold of each piece, the mold is sprayed with release agent and then we begin work with the plastic casting. After letting the plastic form we pull out the finish piece. We then dremel and sand the parts and prep them for painting.

HomeLAN - What paints and materials are used for outside parts of the Halo armor?

Sid Garrand - We do use a lot of pieces and materials for this suit. From the undersuit to the lights. We actually use an automotive paint, that goes on in two steps. First a base coat which is allowed to dry and then a clear coat is applied to the piece of armor. This pretty much finishes up each piece. Other materials are used based on the costume we’re making. For the Halo suit, we also used LED lights

HomeLAN - About how long does it take to make a complete Halo Master Chief armor costume from start to finish?

Sid Garrand - With all of us having other jobs and having to work in the studio only a few days a week, it normally takes about 4-6 weeks to finish a suit.

HomeLAN - What was Microsoft’s and Bungie’s reaction to your team’s efforts?

Sid Garrand - Bungie has always been known to really appreciate their fans. Our effort is nothing different. They really like that we have been this inspired by something that they created. We are talking with them right now about a lot of things, but we’re going to keep our mouths quiet on that until everything is finished.

HomeLAN - Since the announcement of the Halo armor, about how many orders have you had for the costume?

Sid Garrand - We’ve had a lot of people wanting the armor, and a lot of the younger crowd complaining that it’s too expensive. Fact is that we all have other jobs, and we can’t mass produce these things. We have to severely limit how many we actually make. It takes a lot of time to produce, and we will even have to make new molds in the future. Just because they will wear out with continued use.

HomeLAN - What other costumes is Nightmare Armor planning to make?

Sid Garrand - We have had a flood of ideas coming in from our fans. We’ve got a few different plans, Jin-Roh, ABC the big robot in judge dredd. We’re just going to take it one costume at a time.

HomeLAN - Finally is there anything else you wish to say about the Halo armor and Nightmare Armor in general?

Sid Garrand - We really appreciate the amount of people that have come to visit our site. We really wish we could get every single Halo fan into a suit of our armor. But we’d to be robots to be able to do that. Just keep watching for us in the future and we promise to bring you the best costumes around. Maybe one day you’ll see our stuff in the movies.

Publié : 09 févr. 2004, 03:29
par Kokitta
"- Bonjour, je voudrais une Marmotte belge qui a la classe siouplait.

- Désolée Mademoiselle, nous en avons reçu qu'une seule et...

- Ouais ouais je me disais bien que ça courait pas les rues des Marmottes Belges classes."


Publié : 09 févr. 2004, 10:45
par Perfectman3
Je veux l'armure du Master Chief pour Noël! :cry: :cry: :cry: